The Playhouse
Special Event

Marilyn's Kids Love the Playhouse ACT I!
A two-night event featuring songs and memories of 40 years in The Playhouse
Saturday March 13 & 20, 2021 at 7pm
Join us for a live-streamed virtual fundraiser! Each evening will feature different “generations” of performers. Over 50 performers are coming together to help us sustain our beloved Playhouse during these challenging Pandemic times!
To support The Playhouse in San Anselmo, performers from across the country and even Europe will perform from their homes & environs and reminisce about their times onstage and backstage at The Playhouse. The show will be live-streamed on Saturday evenings, March 13 & 20 at 7:00pm. You can access the YouTube stream by coming back to this page on the day of and following the instructions HERE or click the orange button above that says "How to join the LiveStream"
Here is a list of some of the performers:
March 13 Act I
Lauren Blackman, Jen Brooks, Shashona Brooks, Rustin Crandall, Matt Doyle, Alexis Duermeyer, Allie Feder, Davey Feder, David Fierro, Danny Gasparini, Drew Gasparini, Lexie Papedo Gasparini, Marissa Ingrasci, Kevin Jobe, Joe Keane, Steve Kenyon, Kyra Kozlenko, Jena McRae, Liza Monjauze, Mimi O’Connell, Shoshana Freisinger Reiman, Jennifer Reimer, Michael Schwartz, Eric Wiesen, Jeff Wiesen & Elizabeth Wipff
Sofia Cassidy, Chelsea Cymrot, Christina Euphrat, Bouket Fingerhut, Alexandra Fry, Chloe Gasparini, Kasie Gasparini, Lily Green, Annabelle Green, Ben Gurvis, Jeremy Kaplan, Michael Kessell, Gena Madory, Devin McDuffee, Jackson Mitchell, Makena Mitchell, Ryan Mulgrew, Brooke O’Connell, Briar O’Connell, Riley O’Flynn, Jordan Paff, Carl Robinett , AJ Roy, Evy Roy, Lauren Sanchez, Siena Solari, Annika Sparrow, Reynolds Sullivan, Blake Thompson, Maya Torgersen & Anna Vorperian
Stay connected with The Playhouse in San Anselmo! Become a part of our mailing list. By subscribing to the Playhouse website you will get an email whenever a show is showcased on the website. You can also visit the "News" Section of the website for fun articles and more information.
About The Playhouse in San Anselmo
For more than 50 years, The Playhouse in San Anselmo has served the community as a performing arts center for dance recitals, student performances, local and touring theatrical companies, music concerts and other innovative productions. The Playhouse is a low-cost rental facility, and it is our mission to keep our rental fees and production costs low. We offer a full-service theater space, complete with everything required for a professional theater production. Our tenants have included; YES Theater, Marin Musical Theatre Company, Stapleton School of the Performing Arts, 23 Elephants Theatre Company, Katia & Company and more. Keeping the arts alive in our community is most important to us.
If you wish to donate, our donation button with PayPal accepts donations via your account or if you choose, a cash donation from your credit or debit card.
Please Join our Mailing List for a reminder on the day before the event! Would you like to submit a video to be a part of another show? Click here.
We hope to see you there!
How to join the Live-Stream
Today, March 13th "Marilyn's Kids love The Playhouse! ACT I" will be broadcast live from this page using YouTube. You do not need an account to watch. We'll also be using Paypal in order to accept donations online. You won't need an account to donate, unless you would prefer to set up monthly donations. For the cost of a cup of coffee a month, you could be helping us in a big way.
On the day of the show there will be a large Red Button at the top of this page. At the red button is a link to the YouTube page with a countdown to the show.
Click the button and you will be taken to the viewing page. That's it! You can sit back and enjoy the show. If you don't see the button on the day of the show, refresh your screen.
Until the show!