The Board of Directors sends a heart felt So Long, Farewell, auf Weidersehen, Adieu to outgoing Treasurer, friend, and founding member Mary Jane Baird. After many years of dedication to The Playhouse in San Anselmo, Mary Jane has decided to retire from the Board. Her passion and heartfelt contribution will be missed tremendously. Before leaving as Treasurer, Mary Jane willingly invested even more of her time to provide a smooth transition to our newly elected Treasurer, Gigi Desin-Phillips.
We welcome Gigi to her new role, officially starting in April, and look forward to working with her. Perhaps now Mary Jane will be seen more frequently on stage than in the board room? One can hope!
The Board sends another great big thank you to Marty Edelson, outgoing chair of our fundraising committee. After many years providing fundraising leadership, Marty was ready to hand over the reins to the new co-chairs Rebecca Sullivan and Lori Sparrow.
The Board is happy to announce our new Secretary, Karen Thouvenin. Thank you Karen for filling this much needed position on the Board.
2014 Playhouse in San Anselmo Board of Directors
Marilyn Izdebski - President Tori Housh - Vice President Gigi Desin-Phillips - Treasurer Karen Thouvenin - Secretary George Barcos - Playhouse Manager Rebecca Sullivan - Fundraising Co-Chair Lori Sparrow - Fundraising Co-Chair Marty Edelson Liza Ingrasci Katie Periera John Polachek David Prothero Virginia Stapleton